Jean-Baptiste Lamarck : works and heritage


The site "Works and heritage of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck", still in progress, is designed to make available the works of a much quoted but little read French naturalist, as well as documents relating to his career and life. Some of the works here reproduced in text format are edited for the first time since their publication more than two hundred years ago.

The Chronology highlights the main phases of Lamarck's life and career, with links to documents available in the site.

The section 'Works of Lamarck' contains a complete bibliography of his scientific production, as well as the corpus of his theoretical works electronically edited, and freely available in word and pdf format : books, journal and dictionary articles, lectures...

The section 'Theories of evolution' contains others materials about the lamarck's century.

Finally, the section 'Pupils of Lamarck' offers the complete list of students attending Lamarck’s lectures from 1795 through 1823 which included pupils coming from several European and American countries. 560 students have already been identified, the result of an international research programme started in 1994. Historians, librarians, archivists and students are invited to join the search for the hundreds still unknown!

Updates and perspectives

© 2000-2006, CNRS-Centre Alexandre Koyré, histoire des sciences et des techniques, UMR 8560. Published by Pietro Corsi - ver. : 4.5.1
CMS : ICEberg-DB v3.0, © 1999-2006, CNRS/CRHST-Stéphane Pouyllau.