Universal Horarius

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Name coined by the inventor.



Daniele Barbaro (1514-1570)

Historic Period



Armillary sphere component with hour band developed by Daniele Barbaro for designing sundials. The hour lines on the sundial are designed by inclining the sphere in relation to the local latitude and sighting each hour line from the one diametrically opposite it. Barbaro suggests various applications for this instrument, including surveying: "It would please me greatly in the night to position the horario at different heights, and to place at the centre a small lamp, in order to see several horaloggi cast on different planes by the shadows... and to see how the Sphere is projected onto the plane: a thing of great delight, and pleasure, and moreover highly convenient, since it can be used to measure heights, and widths, and distances, which I will however leave to others."

Bibliographical Resources

Barbaro, Daniele, La pratica della perspettiva di monsignor Daniel Barbaro ... : opera molto vtile a pittori, a scultori & ad architetti : con due tauole, vna de' capitoli principali, l'altra delle cose piĆ¹ notabili contenute nella presente opera, in Venetia, appresso Camillo & Rutilio Borgominieri fratelli ..., 1569, parte IX, pp. 187-190.


Author of the entry: Filippo Camerota

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