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List of pupils
Les auditeurs aux cours de Jean-Baptiste Lamarck


The main database of the Lamarck's pupils was designed by Raphaël Bange, Patrick Jardin and Andrea Scotti (IMSS) in 2000 on MS-Access plateform.

The first update was realised by Claudia Zudini, Georg Schwartz, Sarah Bendaoud et Raphaël Bange, and the signatures design by Luciano De Sanctis.

In 2004, this databases are powered by MySQL and PHP. Olivier Bertoncello et Stéphane Pouyllau has realised this new databases in 2004.

Go to the database.

© 2006 CNRS/CSI/MNHN/EHESS. Auteurs : Raphaël Bange, Pietro Corsi.