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[Témoignages et biographies] • Biographical Memoir of M. de Lamarck, by the Baron Cuvier
Titre : Biographical Memoir of M. de Lamarck
Auteur : Baron Cuvier
Format : Vol. XX, n° XXIX, p. 1-22
Editeur : Edimbourgh
Date : 1836
Observations : Cuvier had never loved Lamarck, as this funeral eulogy abundantly proves. And yet, the discourse constitutes a precious source of information on Lamarck's life and works. Certainly motivated by the desire to diminish the reputation of his colleague, Cuvier's insistance on the systematic character of Lamarck's thought is well argued and convincing.
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Biographical Memoir of M. de Lamarck. By the Baron Cuvier. p 1.

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