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Documents sur les auditeurs de LamarckP.Corsi, The pupils of Lamarck. A research project
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The international research project, which I had the pleasure of announcing on 
the occasion of the Lamarck colloquium at Amiens, aims to succeed in publishing 
the list of attendance to Lamarck’s lectures, as Max Vachon wished, with the 
help and the collaboration of all the colleagues who would like to take part in 
this effort. The photocopy of the register, and its preliminary transcription 
divided according to the year of course (as in the original manuscript) but also 
by department or country of provenance of the member of the audience, is 
available for those who think they may be able to recognise names. A preliminary 
published edition of the list is available in P. Corsi, Lamarck. Génèse et 
enjeux du transformisme, Paris, CNRS Editions, 2001. All additional information 
colleagues might have, and all requests for information about the project, 
should be addressed to pcorsi@univ-paris1.fr (19) .

All information (biographical, bibliographical, or information about public or 
private archives that could contain information concerning one or more 
students), as well as the names and addresses of the researchers who provided 
them, will be available on the website www.lamarck.net It will thus be possible 
to avoid duplicating work, to follow the state of progress of research, to 
intervene to correct mistakes, to propose other possibilities of identification, 
or to contact other researchers to share or demand further information. The 
original signatures are already available on the web, so that colleagues 
doubting the accuracy of our transcription will be able correct our mistakes.

The use of the Internet will thus allow us to give life to an international 
research project that will mobilise considerable bibliographical and archival 
resources, but especially the specialised knowledge found in all the Departments 
of France, in many European countries, in the United States, and in Latin 
America. It is clear that this project could not be possible without the help of 
all those who are interested in the history of evolutionist and biological 
doctrines of the nineteenth century.

Pietro Corsi

(19) Pietro Corsi, Université Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbone, 9 rue Malher, 75004 

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