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Documents sur les auditeurs de LamarckP.Corsi, The pupils of Lamarck. A research project
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 Identification-form for the members of Lamarck's audience

Family name (if the student is entered in the register under a pseudonym, give 
that first, writing "XZ, pseudonym of AB", and follow the scheme)

First name

Position in the register, Year of the lecture followed and number of position in 
the register

Date and place of birth
Date and place of death

Titles, academic or professional positions

Biographies or necrologies

Bibliography  (if too long, indicate the source. For example, indicate a 
necrology with a biography, an article or articles which contain bibliographical 
information, whether the citations in the Royal Society Catalogue of Scientific 
Papers are complete, etc.)

Critical bibliography 
Studies dedicated to the student, or works in which the student is cited

Public or Private Archives
Give details, addresses and names of archivists consulted, archives containing 
information or collections of manuscripts relating to the student or his family, 
property, public or professional activity.

This section can contain a biography or an evaluation of the career of the 
individual, details of the research carried out, and also suggestions for 
further research in other towns or countries. Please also provide indication of 
sources explored that proved unhelpful. This will prevent duplicating our 

Name and address(es) of the person who has filled in the form
It is important that colleagues who choose to give complete or partial 
information on a student give their addresses, and any qualification that they 
would like to see in the electronic edition of the register. The list of 
participants to the project will in itself be useful for individual research 
projects stimulated by the information provided by our collective research. 

© 2000-2006, CNRS-Centre Alexandre Koyré, histoire des sciences et des techniques, UMR 8560. Directeur de publication : Pietro Corsi - version du site : 4.5.1
CMS : ICEberg-DB v3.0, © 1999-2006, CNRS/CRHST-Stéphane Pouyllau.